Images Of Thailand
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I recently went to Thailand on assignment. I had a group of doctors take me along to document their travels and fun.
Here are some images I grabbed along the way. I'd love to go back and spend more time taking photos for me.
See the quicktime movie here
This is iPod size if you want to put it on your iPod.
Labels: HIPster Images
posted by Wallace Advertising @ 3:48 PM,
- At March 28, 2007 5:28 PM, Susan Denice said...
I love the images,They are so peaceful. Expecially with the music. Thank you for sharing and thank you for starting this site. It already has been a great inpriration.
- At March 28, 2007 7:37 PM, Wayne Wallace said...
Thanks Susan,
It was tough to get any pictures for me because I was chasing them around being tourists and I could have stayed at one temple all day long.
Not to mention I was carrying a Mark II a 10d and 6 pro lenses and a couple of flashes on my shoulder.
I hate to be somewhere like that without the right lens. - At March 29, 2007 6:57 AM, Josh Bobb said...
Thanks for sharing, Wayne.
I went to Thailand last year and spent three weeks. I think I could spend an entire lifetime there taking pictures. Eventually I'd like to shoot fashion in Bangkok as they're trying to push it as the Milan of the East, but we'll see how that pans out. If not, there's always vacations.
Speaking of vacations, I think it'd be great to get a group of Hallmarkers together and go on a photographic vacation together. - At March 29, 2007 9:21 AM, Wayne Wallace said...
Yea, I know what you mean. There is so much to photograph.
A Hallmark photo trip that sounds good. Maybe we'll organize one.