Make Them Glow, They Love It!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
After I retouch an image for printing I send a web version to them with my name on it of course so they can email it around or post it on myspace or whatever. They usually order more after they see how beautiful you can make them and their friends want to look just like that too.
Labels: HIPster Images
posted by Wallace Advertising @ 9:33 PM,
- At March 14, 2007 10:32 PM, Gabo Paparazzo said...
i would love a little more natural skin texture and tones...
talk about articifial... unless it was for some sort of "Ad" in which its required to look somewhat animated.
:) - At March 14, 2007 10:49 PM, Wayne Wallace said...
yes, but the only reason I did this is because she saw the first one I did and ordered another.
Some people want to look like the magazines.