pic of the week
Monday, March 12, 2007
this past week, i shot a photographer doing what he does best. Rob is an architectural photographer who specializes in interiors. his work is stunning. so, naturally, i was very please to have the opportunity to share this occupational portrait with him. this image was taken with a Canon 1Ds Mark II, 30 second exposure.

Labels: HIPster Images
posted by raychel deppe @ 2:06 PM,
- At March 12, 2007 5:44 PM, Wayne Wallace said...
That's a sweet image Raychel!!
Thanks for sharing! - At March 12, 2007 6:29 PM, raychel deppe said...
not to shabby eh? i have really been enjoying experimenting with digitally captured long exposures recently. it's a challenge finding the optimum settings, unique to each camera system, to achieve the best quality image with the least digital noise when so many factors contribute to this sometimes unavoidable problem. THIS is what i love about photography...problem solving.