Welcome To The Unofficial Hallmark Blog - HallmarkHIPster.net!
Friday, March 2, 2007
What's A HIPster?
By definition a hipster is a person who is strongly associated with a subculture that considers itself hip. I'd say that describes those of us that are currently attending or have graduated from the Hallmark Institute of Photography (HIP).
Why A HIPster Bog?
I created this blog as a gathering place for all of us to post and discuss images, share our experiences, and inspire others that want to follow their dream of becoming professional photographers. Hallmark doesn't have an official blog or community for current students and graduates so I'm hoping that this will become the de-facto gathering place for all of us.
Do You Need Some Inspiration?
I know graduates and current students will agree with me that one of the best parts of going to Hallmark is the constant inspiration and feedback you receive from your classmates. Personally I miss that daily experience and interaction and would attend Hallmark all over again just for that experience alone. I'm hoping that this blog will become a home for current students and graduates to gather and inspire and push one another to keep up the Hallmark standard of excellence.
Do You Want To Be A Hipster Blogger?
If you're a graduate or current Hallmark student you qualify as a HIPster blogger. If you would like to be a regular contributor to the HIPster blog contact me Wayne Wallace.
Labels: About HallmarkHipsters.net
posted by Wallace Advertising @ 10:37 AM,
- At November 6, 2008 9:41 AM, Mike Henry said...
What a great idea.
- At November 6, 2008 11:22 AM, Wayne Wallace said...
Thanks Mike!