Spring Break come back!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I did get a couple chances to shoot a few images over break! Here they are:
Boston Airport:
Bellingham, WA:
What a fun couple! I will be adding more pictures from this to my site soon.
Thanks guys, have a beautiful Spring! :-)
OneBloom Photography
Labels: aaron potter, hallmark institute of photography, onebloom, spring break
posted by Aaron Potter @ 8:21 PM,
- At April 3, 2007 8:49 PM, Wayne Wallace said...
Nice stuff!
A not on your portfolio.
Shoot what you plan on doing when you get out. I'm using every bit of my Hallmark portfolio to market myself to this day and it blows other photographers works away as most of what they show is client work and with clients you don't always get the best shots to show off. Now you have the time to create a killer set of images, take advantage of it.
That's my wisdom to you current Hallmark students, take advantage of what you have now! - At April 3, 2007 9:09 PM, raychel deppe said...
absolutely stunning landscapes.
...but wayne makes a really good point. use the equipment as much as possible. sleep is overrated when you are a hallmark student. work now, sleep later...because the closer you get to graduation, the more separation anxiety you will discover knowing the amazing facility and equipment will be gone before too long.