Image Pimp(ed)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Great idea, Wayne! I'm sure we can all have hours of fun doing this - and it also allows us to see our images from a different perspective...
I cropped it and did some color tweaks... all in a minute and a half.
Labels: Kameron Bayne Images, Pimp My Image
posted by kameron @ 11:15 AM,
- At November 2, 2007 3:04 PM, Wayne Wallace said...
mmmm, I don't like that pimp job but that's for trying
- At November 3, 2007 6:15 AM, kbayne said...
No worries.
I guess that's the risk in letting someone else process our images, we might end up with something we never would do or worse - something we find altogether distasteful.
But at the same time, if it's not "my" image, I feel more freedom to take risks and do something different than I've done before.
I found this practice valuable and had a great time doing it, so I hope this takes off - even it we only end up screwing up one another's images. :) - At November 3, 2007 12:42 PM, Wayne Wallace said...
I agree.
I think this will be a fun practice and I hope more people start getting involved.
We always show our perfect images so it's good to show some raw stuff and see what others may do with it.