Portrait Session
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Been trying to think outside the box with my editing lately and think I found something I like. Little bit of G. Blur (yes 07, still using it ;) ) , little bit of sharpening, and some Hue/Sat. I think I like it for low key "B/W" style but still working on the process a little bit more. Would love to hear what you think!

Labels: portraits, William Long
posted by Will Long @ 12:14 AM,
- At February 20, 2008 2:31 PM, HP said...
I like the shot and the PS treatment, I might just open the shadow a little bit on the right side to see the difference on the chair and the dress. Saludos Will
ps. I heard that CS4 is comming out with a new blur filter called the WILL BLUR hhahaha j/k, keep up the good work - At February 20, 2008 4:29 PM, DragonHare said...
Beautiful Will! She's stunning!
- At February 20, 2008 6:29 PM, Aaron Potter said...
I think it looks great!
- At February 20, 2008 7:09 PM, Faith said...
Hi Will, Great shot. I would smooth out some of the shadow on the arm closest to the camera. The low key lighting is giving her arm some weird shadow that makes the skin on her upper arm look a little "cottage cheesy"...but she's really not fat at all...just some weird shadows.
- At February 21, 2008 2:29 AM, Wayne Wallace said...
I like it.
I'm playing around with a lot of new stuff as well.
Brushes, textures, and other plugins - At February 21, 2008 10:35 AM, Jason McGrew Photography said...
This post has been removed by the author.
- At February 21, 2008 10:35 AM, Jason McGrew Photography said...
ahahahahahah.... the WILL BLUR!!!!!!! That is beyond hilarious!!
Will... Great shot! - At February 24, 2008 6:35 PM, Chris Rioux | Portrait Photography said...
LOVE it! Only thing that stood out to me has already been mentioned: her arm that's on the chair has some shadows that look like bruises. Being a guy I don't tend to think about this, but I've been told before: "Lighten her hair! She spent a lot of money on it and wants it to show!" haha so if you can, I would lighten up her hair a little, which will also help with separating he head from the background. Great job! love it!