Thursday, March 13, 2008
Has your or someone you know portrait business taken off? Do you feel like you could use some more time with family and friends? Is your retouching driving you crazy? WELL GOOD NEWS!! I am starting some freelance digital retouching and are looking for clients in need of help. If you or anyone you know could use some help, please feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email. I would be more then happy to show examples of work! After working in the portrait world for close to 8 years, I know how the senior season can get. Its nice to not have to worry about retouching all those images you just shot....especially when you have back to back sessions! I've done a great deal deal of retouching and album design. Currently working for Cold Water Creek on a 9 - 5 type deal....I'm used to running full throttle all the time. Give me a call....I would love to help in any way I can!! Cheers!
posted by matt stauss @ 10:23 AM,