Looking for Leaf Digital Back
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hey fellow alumni! I am interested in possibly purchasing a digital back for my mamiya. I wanted to know if anyone was looking to sell or if anyone knows of a good place to find one for a reasonable price. If anyone can help please let me know you can e-mail me at Kristin@beyondthemoment.com.
posted by Kristin Kaufman @ 12:28 PM,
- At April 14, 2008 6:28 PM, Jason McGrew Photography said...
I would recommend calling Hallmark and see it they have one. good luck
- At April 17, 2008 8:49 PM, Jessi Hebert said...
Well, we don't have the ability to sell the digital backs since we don't own them. The school is just lending them to us.
I don't know if there are any good deals out there, I know that at the end of the year they're trying to work out a deal with the MAC group about them selling them to us @ $17,000 or something.
I would call Ed at Hallmark...he'd probably be more helpful than I am. lol
A lot of us are looking to sell our mamiyas though if you know of anyone who is interested in buying one let me know. jessi@jessihebert.com