A day at the zoo
Monday, September 22, 2008
Hey kids, it's been a while since I posted around here. I've been insanely busy working the last few months. (sadly I'm not working in a photography related field...I make leather goods) But, I've been trying to find time to create some images for fun.
As I said, I produce leather goods. I also handle the web design and photography duties for the company. (which isn't easy when I already work 40+ hours a week in the shop just making things) But, it's a fun job that allows me to travel and meet all sorts of crazy and fun people.
So, the pictures you're looking at were all taken since my graduation in 2006.
The first shot is Nickel's Arcade in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I was out testing the 28mm fisheye lens I got for my Mamiya. I think the aperture was f32 and the exposure is recorded on the film... ;) (meaning I don't remember what it was...)
The second shot is from an ongoing project I'm working on. It features the lovely Casey playing with a set of LED keychain flashlights. (photons) I used an aperture of f11 and a shutter speed of 5.7 seconds. (or so bridge tells me) The strobe to the left was triggered when the shutter opened (via pocket wizard) and the strobe on the right was triggered 5 seconds later using the synch cord attached to my light meter. (I enjoy using high tech solutions to a problem) So there was very little photoshop work done to this image...
Next up was taken two days ago at the gardens in the Toledo Zoo. There were some humming birds flying around so I decided to try and get some decent shots of them. I can't remember laughing so much at myself for getting so frustrated with something...but I had a lot of fun that day taking pictures.
Finally, is a shot looking inside a large geode that's for sale at the michigan renaissance festival. I just thought it'd make for an interesting shot to look inside of it....
Well, that's it for me. Hope ya like them...I'm going to try and be around a little more and share more stuff. Let me know what you think.
posted by Alan Klem @ 8:21 PM,
- At September 24, 2008 8:40 AM, Wayne Wallace said...
Hi Alan,
Nice to see you posting here.
Interesting shots.
Maybe you should use that opportunity at the leather goods shop to create some images of the work in progress as well as some product shots.
You may be able to make some sales from them. - At September 24, 2008 2:16 PM, Alan Klem said...
I plan on doing some still life stuff along that vein once we get moved into our new shop. (I've been promised some space for my studio stuff so I can do more shooting)
I'm also hoping to use it for portfolio building in hopes of getting more commercial work.