Revamped my site
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hey guys, would love some feedback on my site. Trying to make it simple and easy to navigate, with maybe a small dash of style. Anything would be greatly appreciated!!!
posted by Christina @ 6:28 PM,
- At November 10, 2009 9:20 PM, Jacquie Van Tichelt said...
The site it's self is kind of cute, but some of the pictures are stretched in an odd way. And your prices seem really low. I have found pricing is the hardest thing. I looked at the packages and going rates in my area and started at a medium price compared to the high end studios in my area. If people didn't post their prices I called them and pretended to be a customer. Might be bad that I did that, but I don't want to under cut or over price. It is a personal thing and very hard, but make sure you don't sell yourself short.
If you feel really comfortable about your prices they might be to low. - At November 11, 2009 8:25 AM, Christina said...
Thanks Jacquie!
I will look over my photos again to make sure they are viewing properly. And about the pricing, that is the hardest thing, I'm simply running a speical thru this month to generate business. Because I was in that medium area, and haven't gotten one bite, which is surprising to me, but then again, every area is affected differently. And after talking to alot of private studios, it seems in my town, the only studios getting work are the cheap mall studios.
I am not comfortable with my prices, I'm just hoping to reel in a few clients under the 'special', and wow them so they will be repeats in the future with my normal prices.